The Handwritten Note

In today's fast paced world of texting, emailing, quick phone calls is there still a place for the hand written note?
The phone calls, emails, texts and tweets we send every day will soon be forgotten — buried beneath tomorrow’s onslaught of junk mail or simply deleted from our files. These electronic messages are rarely notable, however the handwritten notes stand out. They take time to draft, each word carefully chosen without the safety net of auto correct. Drafting one involves selecting stationery, paying for stamps, and visiting a mailbox. If, as the U.S. Postal Service notes, we only receive a handwritten letter once every two months, each of those letters likely means more to us than the “cheaper” communication we receive each day.

In a world of throw away plastic, the tangible note remains. It's read over and over and is saved. Books and movies have been based on letters...old love letters bound in a ribbon tucked away in a box. Precious memories documented and saved for future generations. A mother saving the cards and letters written by her children. The children grow up and leave, yet the sentimental note remains still giving comfort and love.
I still believe there’s room for the handwritten note in personal and professional communication. They truly have value, they let the people in our lives know we appreciate them. I have a couple of handwritten thank you notes for paintings pinned to my bulletin board right in front of my drafting table. They are there to remind me that my art effected somebody. It made me feel good that somebody felt enough from my art to take the time to write me a note. That is special.
Take a moment today to put pen to paper and let that special someone know just how much you care. "Just a note to say..."
Fine Art Note Cards
Original watercolor paintings by Judith Haynes Levins
digitally printed as note cards .
Details - 5.5 x 4 folded, standard matte, blank inside.
Packaged in clear cello bag with white envelope included.